Sunday, February 26, 2012

Making the Commitment

Let's be honest... commitments are hard regardless of the reason behind it. Relationships, diets, exercise, heck for some people even dinner plans are hard to keep.  Therefore you have to be ready mentally and emotionally to make that commitment for it to ever work. KEEP THAT IN MIND!

I hear it all the time.  I want to lose weight.  I want to be healthy. (yes this has been heard from my own little mouth)  And before the first week is up they have already pulled through McDonalds and supersized a number 1 extra value meal. (Let me just state for the record I have no clue what number 1 is on the menu... I am currently boycotting McD's for a whole other reason that I won't get into but let's just say it has to do with another passion - Pit Bulls).  Anyway... where was I?  Oh yes.... commitment to change takes 21 days!  21 days is almost a month for those who have a hard time with math.  THREE very long weeks!  So before you decide to do anything... can you handle the first 21 days b/c in that 21 days you will have formed a new habit. 

Recently I decided to make a change.  I was finally committed and decided this wasn't going to be a goal to get me in shape for summer or by my wedding (this was a previous time I 'got healthy').  This is for life.  I'm not dieting.  I'm changing every habit of nutritional intake.  I'm not just belonging to a gym... I'm going.  A gym membership is extra expensive if you don't go just an FYI.  

So now what? It's purge time.  It's time to get rid of the crap in my pantry (as well as in my a$$ but we already know that I have some great poop tea for that).  PAY attention to those labels on food if you buy anything that comes in a bag or box or carton.  There is so much out there that is literally toxic that we as a nation consume on a daily basis!  And I hate to break it to you... if you're favorite show is Extreme Couponing the best you're going to do is a year's supply of laundry detergent.  You want free food... GROW IT!

And I know not drinking pop will be hard or eliminating your favorite International Delight's coffee creamer (personal favorite).  But I promise... give me 21 days and you won't even miss it!

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