Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stress ... Spring Ahead

Well... this week has been a fall off the wagon kind of week.  AKA Epic Fail!  I thought with it being 'spring break' I would have the much needed opportunity to get that REALLY REALLY long to do list accomplished, get ahead on some continuing education, and possibly relax.  WRONG!

This week has instead been filled with multiple trips to the hospital for several different reasons, stress, stress and well more stress.  And like any normal person, I deal with stress by first neglecting myself, second taking care of others, and third continuing to neglect myself.  I understand this is a common trait for both women and most parents but it's not healthy.  You begin your day and by the time you even remember your morning coffee you should be sitting down to have your poop tea (yes... I love my poop tea so I will continue to call it that for as long as I live).  

So where to begin.  One I have not taken my vitamins.  Actually I'm pretty sure it's now Thursday and I haven't done my normal nutritional regiment since maybe Sunday.  I really didn't think it was possible to feel this sluggish.  I'm mentally and physically exhausted.  My sleeping pattern is out of whack.  And I'm pretty sure I've managed to eat enough crap at the wrong times combined with completely missing meals to cause my metabolism to possibly hit a standstill.  Ugghhh!  You never really truly appreciate feeling so good until you remember how it feels to feel bad or what I used to consider NORMAL.  

I've also managed to not work out... AT ALL!  (unless you count lifting a 32lbs lil man who might I add is the MOST adorable child on this planet - I'm not biased).  Even a walk would have been good but that just didn't happen.  I missed my TRX class, didn't do Pilates, or even think about an elliptical.  Oh well... tomorrow is a new day and it's time to get back on track.

So here's my point... don't let the stress of today impact your tomorrow.  It's hard to remember but if you feel like crap during a time of stress you are probably creating more stress b/c you have less energy to deal with what is coming at you.  All aspects of our life are linked together and unfortunately create a domino effect when just one becomes knocked down.  Pretty soon you're missing the very component that starts you off on a good foot and then forgetting your poop tea when you go to bed.  Did I say poop tea again?  It's on the brain... I need to be cleaned out of all these toxins!

When you find out what really works for you ... go with it.  Log it and remind yourself to continue to do it.  (Remember the 21 day thing in my last blog?)  B/c if you have a week like I've had... It's hard not to feel like you're starting over again.  Don't get me wrong... I did do some retail therapy yesterday and I really liked what I saw BUT if I continue on this way... I will be back to being miserable with the way I look, the way I feel, and my overall life performance! 

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