Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life is not always sunshine...

I'll admit it.  I don't always wake up ready to jump out of bed and have the BEST DAY EVER!  I also don't always have a great night's sleep or feel amazing when I wake up but there has been a difference.  By the time I have nourished my body and removed the toxins... I feel amazing once again.  The key is knowing how...

So let's get a little personal.  Feel free to stop reading now.  Earlier in the week I decided to punish my self once again with an intense strength training workout.  It really does seem like a great idea at the time.  Feeling the burn... Pushing for just one more rep... I'm not going to lie... I get a personal high off it.  But this week, my abs made sure to remind me every two hours during the night that I had maybe (ok probably) pushed it just a little too far.  By the time I got to bed and got comfortable, I quickly found out that after about 30 minutes, no position was really comfortable.  My muscles were so inflamed that it felt like my abs were like speed bumps when I would lay on my stomach.  Now I imagine that is my inner six pack breaking through but I am ok with being soft when sleeping!  I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this.  This was not one of those nights where I woke up the next morning ready to jump out of bed for the BEST DAY EVER!  Just a note... I was planning on going to a morning yoga class but that was quickly scratched.  I needed energy as well as a little more flexibility to make that happen.  At this point in the story... I would have told you that it ruined my entire day.  That I couldn't move for the next two days (BTW today is day two) but that was the old me.  The new me now knows how to give my body what it needs to repair and bounce back after my torture.  And I was as good as new within an hour after I got my butt out of bed (which was actually my biggest challenge of the day).

Still reading?  This is where I actually do get personal but I figured I would put just a little buffer. WARNING!  

So as any woman can attest... UTI's suck.    There is no way around it.  Your stomach hurts... It's annoying.  You got to go but you can't (yes that was personal).  Well... after my gym torture on my normal day two of body soreness... the real issue became a possible UTI.  Obviously there is an infection.  Obviously it completely affects every part of my day so what do you do about it.  Drink lots of water... drink some cranberry juice... try and get into the doctor (I'm not big on doctors so normally I just suffer).  So I decided to try something.  I had a detox tea (you know... just laying around).  I'm sure you're thinking.  This woman is nuts.  A detox tea?  So b/c it's not coming out one way she wants to lose control of the other?  This isn't the way I was thinking.  My logical side thought... well... this is an infection so in order to possibly feel good, I should try and get those toxins out.  I'm not kidding within 1 hour of drinking what I used to refer to as 'poop tea', the 'symptoms' were gone!!! 

And on that note... it's time for bed!

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