Monday, February 6, 2012

When EVERY day is a SKINNY day!

I never thought I would say this but I'm having more 'skinny' days than 'fat' days lately!  I even attempted THE jeans!  You know... the ones you keep just hoping you can fit into only to try them on on a 'skinny' day to feel FAT again b/c you're not quite back to the 'skinny' needed to fit into those jeans.  Well attempt one at THE jeans and I looked and felt SKINNY still!  Me - 1 ... Fatness - 0!  

But honestly, it's an amazing feeling to not only feel great but start to notice a difference in the way clothes fit.  Not that I'm going out too much these days (stay at home mom + 19 month old = NO social life) but I'm not finding myself standing in front of my closet wondering which shirt will best hide my LOVE handles.  Let's BE HONEST... no one likes to see muffin top unless it's in the bakery case at Panera. 

And here we are Monday night and even though I felt a little crappy this morning (I think it might have been the crap that I ate for the Super Bowl) I made it to the gym and wore spandex!  I didn't even feel the need to suck it in b/c ... ITS A SKINNY DAY!  

So it really is time for me to give credit to where credit is due.  I had indicated that I started taking a supplement called Zija and I'm hooked.  Between the energy and the effortless weight loss, I couldn't be happier!  I have energy without the jitters!  I'm not even craving sweets!  I'm even making great nutritional choices b/c I'm not snacking or filling up with empty calories!  I'm not even getting migraines b/c I haven't eaten at the right times or had multiple cups of caffeine!  It's a nice change from the other stuff I've tried.  Now I'm only down 6lbs (not even half way to the 20 I wanted to lose) but I'm energized and I can see the goal line!  BUT just for the record... I'm only 5'2" and 5 lbs is huge when you're that short!

Oh... and because it doesn't feel like such a chore to go to the gym any longer I've signed up for TRX and I'm pretty sure I'm nuts.  The body I've always wanted is closer than ever now!

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