I once read that it takes FOUR (very long) weeks to notice a physical change in one's self and EIGHT even longer weeks for others to notice (this includes your husband ladies). Well... it's been almost FOUR weeks since I started my journey to a healthier me and I SEE IT but what's even better is in the last two days my husband has made several comments about how good I look and how wonderful I've been doing on my journey (the eating right, the workouts, the tanning - ok... not quite as healthy but everyone has their vice).
And I truly feel amazing. The best way to describe it is like the way a tree grows ... from the inside out. I am taking care of my insides ... therefore ... my outsides are starting to show the results. EVEN MY HAIR is amazing! No seriously... it hasn't been this pretty since I was pregnant (no I'm not pregnant).
My migraines have also completely gone. Prior to this... I would get at least one a week (and before I left my job... it was almost one a day but that's a whole other BLOG).

Now I know I said it before but the first few weeks are rough when you're a visual person but you have to give it time. If you've been eating like crap for the last 10 years it's not going to go away in 10 days. You might even find that your body will react in crazy ways to 'good' nutrients but after you've made that commitment and get to that point where you can see it ... it's AMAZING! And to be honest... the weight loss has become secondary. It's feeling good and being able to keep up with my
little man that's made all the difference!
Oh and here is where my confession comes in... I'm not a saint! I still have crap every now and then but it hasn't effected my progress. The key is not to deprive yourself because that will be the only thing you want to have. Just know that you can't have it ALL the time. And after a while... after you start to see what is resulting from your conscious health choices... you won't even crave it! Remember... physically (inside and out) comes from 90% nutrition and 10% physical activity.
[FYI - from my supplement alone... I get the following: Vitamins A, B, B1-B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Folic Acid, Biotin (to name a few), 15 Minerals (Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Copper, Fluorine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Selenium, Sulfur, Zinc), All Eight Essential Amino Acids, 10 Additional Amino Acids, Chlorophyll, Carontenoids, Cytokinins, Flavonoids, Omega (3,6,9) oils, Plant Sterols, Polyphenols, Lutein, Xanthins, & Rutin] - Now look on the back of yours... Look at your vitamins... are you getting what you need?
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