Monday, January 16, 2012

The First Day

So today begins my journey to my 2012 goal of the body I always dreamed of.  Funny thing is... at one time I had this body.  Of course I was in my early 20's.  Add one dessert loving husband and one baby and that became a thing of the past.  Now that I'm one full year into my 30's, I figure there is no better time than the present to get going because... let's be honest, I'm not getting any younger! 

Speaking of honesty, I feel the only way to keep myself honest about this is to lay it all out on the table.  So I'm going to do what no woman does... ADMIT TO MY WEIGHT (along with my dress size).   This is hard for me especially since I was always the girl that was extremely tiny.  As a matter of fact, at one point I could have probably ate at any fast food restaurant for every meal, seven days a week, and still maintained my 105 lbs weight.  Let me just tell you, that's not how it is now.  As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure my metabolism retired around age 27.  Now at the ripe 'old' age of 31 I'm sitting pretty at a stubborn 139 lbs and bouncing back and forth between a size 4 and size 6.  Now I know that most people are probably going to read those numbers and hate me because I know they aren't horrible.  Even when I last tested my BMI I was not overweight BUT I'm not happy with how I look.  Not to mention, I am exhausted 90% of time and waiting for the time I can finally crawl into bed at night only to find that I can't sleep.  This is not how I want to live my life.  I'm also tired of making excuses so now it's time to take action!

So today, I started a supplement program called Zija.  And in just one day, I feel better than I have in months.  I also didn't feel the need to nap at any point in the day nor did I want to down 3 cups of coffee this morning.  I actually feel as though I am getting high on oxygen.  Like I might actually have a 3rd lung that just decided to start working!  

Now why did I decide to incorporate Zija with the hundreds of supplements and diet programs out there?  Well there were a few deciding factors.  One... I'm not a calorie counter.  I think it's ridiculous to have a point system or to worry about every single piece of food that enters your body and how it adds up at the end of the day.  Not to say that people don't have success on programs like Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem but I have only known 2 people to actually complete those programs, make it a lifestyle and not bounce back to their old ways.  Two... I've tried Xenadrine, DX, and TrimSpa.  Sure they give you a boost but you crash just as hard.  Three... I wanted to find something that was all natural.  

So many people in this world will drop hundreds of dollars on purses and shoes but when it comes to their bodies, will pack in whatever is on sale or promises a quick fix.  This year I want to make my body a number one priority.  NO MORE processed foods.  NO MORE quick fixes.  I want this to be a lifestyle so I was looking for something that was going to improve my overall health.  The supplement I chose just happens to have a bonus that most people start to naturally lose weight.  But let's think about this.  If you feel great, you're more likely to be active which will cause you to burn more calories.  Pretty simple.

Now this is about me feeling great inside and out.  So today I had to tell myself...
'If you think you can... you can.  If you think you can't... you're right.'  Here is to reaching my goals!


  1. Awesome, Missy! Looking forward to watching you progress! And I'm so excited about your blog :)

  2. Hi Missy, I'm Jodi and Tina's friend. I really appreciated reading your newsletter. You are definitely on the right track and I look forward to following your progress! I also use Zija and one of the great things (there are many) is that I look forward to my Zija XM+ energy drink everyday. I wasn't good at taking vitamins and supplements that were in pill form. Many times I skipped taking them. Now I know I'm getting all my supplements in one delicious beverage that is 100% bioavailable! Yum!
