Sunday, March 11, 2012

What did you eat?!?!

These are some pretty famous words from my best friend's husband... but it's so true!  (we laugh at the comment now even though it was not as funny at the time it was said).

No seriously... what did you just eat?  Drink?  Snack on?  Are you addicted to pop or soda if you're from the south? Is it showing physically and I don't just mean in your waist.  I know I've drilled everyone on my nutritional supplements and how important the right one is BUT this really isn't about that.  This is about your actual food consumption.  And I would just like to add the disclaimer: I AM NO ANGEL myself!  I have my junk food binge days.  Generally these days are accompanied by stress, self pity, and laziness.  

Moving on...

But what if eating healthy was not just good for you but just plain GOOD?  Today I was reminded of just that.  

WARNING: This post may be slightly aimed towards those pop drinkers.  And I love you all but that alone is creating 5-15 lbs. a year in weight!  It's also doing some crazy things to your teeth and even worse things to your stomach. And I don't care if the label says diet or zero or caffeine free - they all suck! Read the ingredients... can you even pronounce what's in it?

Anyway... Today while out having a glass of wine with a friend... we were given a glass of water to start.  It was just a simple glass of water but there was one difference... a slice of cucumber was added.  I now have a new favorite beverage!  Cucumber water!  It was actually the most refreshing thing I have ever drank!  I didn't even finish my glass of wine because I just wanted to drink this water.  Silly? Maybe but this was amazing.  And maybe you hate cucumbers.  I personally think you're nuts but if it's not your style then try adding a piece of fruit like raspberries or pieces of mint or ginger.  I am not kidding I'm almost more excited about this little twist to a beneficial drink as I am about my poop tea! Obviously you now know how excited I must be then.  

So today... here is your challenge.  Try this!  Get rid of your pop or any other sugary drink you're consuming multiple times a day and replace it with a water twist!  I know it's hard to get your daily recommended intake of water so why not make it something you actually crave?  You will lose weight and you'll feel better too.  I promise.  Baby steps... to a better you!

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