Sunday, March 18, 2012

Moment on the Lips for a Lifetime on the Hips

Did you ever know that it actually takes your stomach 20 minutes AFTER it is full to signal to your brain to stop stuffing your face?  No seriously... it's the worse delayed reaction EVER!  

I actually think it's because of this and one too many little beers that I feel like absolute CRAP today!  After having several weeks of unrelated stress I decided to let loose for St. Patty's Day.  Why not right?  Take a day... have a few... I've worked hard to lose weight and tone up so I could afford a few extra calories.  I mean... who doesn't emotionally eat every now and then. Well...  NEVER AGAIN!  

I'm miserable!  I actually was trying to think of a way to inject poop tea directly into my large intestines.  I've also tried several different 'wind releasing' yoga poses to release the pressure of the giant brick in my stomach.  And I'm pretty sure that I can't even suck it in right now.  The brick is that large and that hard!  It's really the most uncomfortable feeling ever! I even thought that if I could take a hot enough bath that I could some how melt the 'waste' in my stomach so it could just fall out.  Too much?  Oh well.  If I can't get it out one way I can at least complain about it.  

This is when I've realized that I have really developed some great habits.  You realize it when one day of crap can make it so you want to curl up in the fetal position and just pray for a good poop!  And to be honest, I didn't eat that horrible.  A few chicken burger sliders, some fries, some shots, a beer, rum and coke, Reuben dip, a grasshopper and some popcorn.  Ok... once I listed everything, maybe it was kind of bad but nothing like the Danny Greenburger sandwich Josh consumed (a burger stacked with corned beef, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and thousand island dressing - just in case you were wondering).  And there was NOTHING left on his plate!  Don't worry ... he paid for it too today.   

But I have to wonder... was a few hours of a good time really worth it?  I maybe was out 'celebrating' for 6 hours and am still paying for it 24 hours later!  I don't even want to glance at the scale tomorrow before my TRX class (which I will be finding some very baggy workout clothes for).  Now most things are fine in moderation but let me tell you, your body will have no problem telling you that you suck if you decide to overindulge!  Trust me!

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