Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Set Backs ... Pushed Forward

Well... talk about set backs.  Monday I was rear-ended while sitting at a complete stop waiting to make a left hand turn.  The other driver was going close to 45mph and never applied the brakes!  I thought I was fine at first.  I guess you never really know what an amazing drug adrenaline is until it wears off.  

So now, two days later... I am in constant pain.  My neck and head hurt so bad today that I literally cried all morning and had to ask my husband to come home from work.  I also cried myself to sleep the night before.  I had to miss my TRX class Monday and will not be working out any time soon.  My personal release is gone!  Not to mention the great progress I was making for swim suit season will now be completely reliant on Zija and my awesome fresh food cooking skills.  Now weight loss is generally 90% nutrition/food choices anyway but the workouts were something I enjoyed and looked forward too.  They made me feel a little better about getting some ice cream on these freakishly 'summer' nights.  

Here is where I get serious.  I, more than most people I know, hate ALL medication.  I would rather suffer through anything than take any type of medication.  This is b/c of a personal belief that most ailments can be corrected with nutrition, exercise, rest, or meditation/stretching.  So for me to even consider or ask for medication it must be serious.  The body is an amazing thing but the key is to listen and recognize what it needs and realize when there is truly something wrong.  I am to that point.  I've been to the chiropractor.  I've had X-rays done of my spine.  I've seen the recent shift of the vertebrae in my neck (I've had films taken not too long ago prior to the accident).  And now I'm thinking I need to move forward even more and see my family doctor as well.  I can't continue in such pain.  It's just too much.  Luckily I do have several anti-inflammatory tricks up my sleeve and realize what is important in muscle repair.  But like any other impatient person, I want to feel better now.  Actually I would like to rewind my life and maybe taken just a little longer at Target so I wouldn't be feeling this way.  That's not possible so it's time to push forward... and hope that I come out of this still looking and feeling amazing in the end.