Sunday, April 22, 2012

Acupuncture is like crack!

For those of you that know me well... I AM COMPLETELY AGAINST MEDICATION.  I generally will suffer through any type of pain whether it's a migraine, PMS, or back pain before taking anything.  This has been especially challenging after my car accident a little over a month ago.  It would be so much easier to just take a pain reliever and call it a day but let's be honest... I'm stubborn and I have my principles so instead I'll just make my husband's life miserable.  (just kidding)

This isn't to say that I haven't gotten to the point where I've been in pain for several days ... couldn't take it and broke down but generally I don't.  For some reason I believe the cause to all cancer is found in all these little pills that people pop to 'fix' something.  

So while at one of my many visits per week to the chiropractor, I asked about acupuncture.  By this point I had tried adjustments, electro-stim therapy, and medical massage which would give me relief but generally for no more than a day or two.  By the time I did the normal activities of my day to day life, I had pretty much undid any fix the chiropractor had done.  (It is now that I thank god that I don't have to sit in front of a computer for 8 hrs a day with added stress or I don't know what I would do).  Anyway... Chiropractors are generally in the same state of mind that I operate (hence why I love them so much) and mine just happened to also offer acupuncture. 

So with that ... let me introduce my new crack addiction!  Ok... obviously it's not literally crack but addiction... maybe!  Not to say it wasn't just a bit strange to have these little pins being tapped into various parts of your body.  Who knew that the space between your big toe and second toe was a pressure point but it is.  I could feel myself tense up each time he put one in. It's the same reason why I can't look when someone is putting a needle in my arm.  I know I'll probably move or go screaming out of the room.  But after he had them all in... it was probably one of the most relaxing 20 minutes of my life.  And better yet... I felt almost instantly better.  I couldn't believe it.  Because even though I'm a holistic nut... I had my doubts about acupuncture.  Not anymore!  Now after a few days I'm feeling the need to get my fix (which thank god is tomorrow morning) but it's really amazing to find something other than a pill provide such amazing relief to my pain!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's Actually Roller Coaster Eating...

Well... March was a beyond challenging month for me.  It started off with the admitting of my grandmother to the hospital, transitioned to a painful car accident, and then ended with my grandmother passing away.  And I know HATE is a very strong word but I'm pretty sure that I would like to say... I HATE MARCH!

But through it all I did have a take away.  I've learned I'm not only an emotional eater but an emotional non-eater.  I believe this might be properly labeled as a 'roller coaster eater'.  I would go for days where I would eat only one meal to days like today where I could not help but eat 2 pieces of cherry pie (note to self: throw out desserts that guests leave behind before they taunt the crap out of you).

I've always said that I'm not perfect.  I have my weaknesses.  I fall off the wagon too but I never actually realized how all over the place I could possibly be.  For those who read this blog for 'the random facts' that I insert... not eating can sometimes be just as harmful to your body transformation as say... TWO pieces of cherry pie.  You are in fact confusing your metabolism.  First you shock it to the point where it becomes obsolete and then while you're not burning your normal amount of calories... you over eat.  CAN WE SAY WEIGHT GAIN?  Ugghhh!  And for a lot of us... nerves literally play a big part in this.  What is happening upstairs will affect your appetite and the way you process what you eat.  We're talking stomach aches, diarrhea, etc. even triggering you to not want to eat at all.  

So what's the best way to get back on track?  EAT BREAKFAST!  I've conveniently eliminated the most important meal of the day.  Which then leads to my non-existent metabolism.  Which then leads to a late day migraine (which is also partially because of my lack of Zija and neck injury).  So as much as we all love those extra few minutes in bed... take the time to eat a good breakfast.  You'll feel much better the rest of the day (b/c that extra 5 minutes of shut eye did nothing for you - including your bags).